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How does an organization measure the success of its Customer Experience? It’s quite simple: with customer feedback. By listening to our customers we can know the things we are doing right, the things we are doing wrong and how to improve.
Nowadays, with the proliferation of technology, customers can reach out to you via a multitude of touchpoints (such as, mobile, face-to-face in the branch, social, web, etc). This can make collecting customer feedback a difficult task. Just to make things even more challenging, in the Middle East there is also the language dimension; some of your customers will prefer to give feedback in Arabic while others, in English.


I remember reading somewhere KPIs are like a joke, if you have to explain them they are bad. Collecting customer data and feedback from multiple sources and languages can cause a bit of mess when coming to analyse this data, doing this caution-free can sever the quality of the feedback you collect and can make it difficult to explain your KPI’s, making your KPIs essentially, a bad joke.
This is where Verint Enterprise Feedback Management comes in, Verint EFM simply collects all the information from the different channels into one unified analytics tool regardless of what language is used to fill out the survey.
To paint a picture with words, imagine this, a customer visits your branch, you know the customer’s language preference based on his profile and as they exit the branch, they’d receive an SMS in their prefered language asking them to fill out a survey or give feedback regarding their visit. A customer finishes a web-chat session, they would receive a short survey to fill out with in the chat window. A customer calls the contact center, then would be asked by the IVR after the call to answer a few questions. All these different surveys would be captured aggregated and displayed to give your organization one view of the customer, one “Voice of the Customer”.
Furthermore, this data would also be analyzed using Arabic & English Text Analytics which would give you and even more holistic view of the customer.
Imagine an organization that has around 1 million customers, for it to have a good sample size for its voice of the customer, it would need to collect around 10% surveys from its customers, minimum, which is 100,000 surveys, without text analytics or any analytics solution it would take a team of humans around a month to be able to go through these surveys once.
So not only does Verint EFM help you collect and aggregate your customer feedback, but using the most advanced analytics tools in both arabic and english, will help your organization get proven ROI on analysing the data accurately.
With that, I leave you with this Video on Verint Enterprise Feedback Management, if you are interested in finding out more email IST on [email protected] .

Source: IST Blogs

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