Robotic Process automation will help humans become more human at work
What is RPA?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that allows a computer program (or “robot”) to replicate otherwise manual processes in an automated, repeatable and reliable manner. Just like human beings robots can send e-mails, attachments log into applications, read data basis and collect data filling formats and preform calculations. An RPA solution allows organizations to do more with less, minimizing risks through increased visibility. Typically robots operate 3 times faster than a human employee. Robots are best suited for tasks that are repetitive and rule based. RPA is present to do all the labor-intensive day-to-day work to free up the time of the employees to preform more human work; such as problem solving, exception handling and troubleshooting. RPA can also Assemble, analyze and organize the vast amount of data provided.
Our main objectives for RPA are to reduce risk, operating costs enhance process quality and improve customer experience.
Contact IST – RPA Team
Built for business and IT, the UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform will always provide you with a consistent automation edge over your competition. Watch the video for a thorough induction on the Platform’s main components and get ready to start your automation journey.
Why UI path is the right choice?

Pioneers, professionals & Present ! As illustrated in the diagram shown above. “UiPath is a Leader with shared services and ease of bot design.
Enterprises have rewarded UiPath’s open approach. Third-party components include Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Tableau for visualization as well as CyberArk — if required — for credential management. UiPath has 15 partners with natural language processing (NLP), intelligent optical character reader (IOCR), machine learning (ML), and chatbots directly integrated with Orchestrator, the central control point. Multitenancy is a strength that other platforms don’t provide as easily. UiPath helps share platform components across departments and separate data and access to meet GDPR requirements. Reference customers noted its deployment efficiency. It has enhanced its cognitive capabilities for unstructured data with ABBYY FlexiCapture and other third-party products. Computer vision with ML addresses application change management and Citrix integration. UiPath’s Studio natively provides smart recording with optimization, but a partnership with Celonis process mining steps up its game with a shared process repository and, in the future, an ML learning environment that will design and direct bots. UiPath needs improved ability to manage reusable automations (e.g., for error handling and logging) versioned within the platform. This vendor’s success will depend on training RPA developers, building a direct model, and managing growth. UiPath is one of the stronger RPA platforms, geared for independent-minded partners and customers.
consuming and repetitive manual processes that make up an employees day-to-day work.
With RPA, Process automation eliminates costly defects – those that lead to false analytics and poor decision-making. No missing, or mistaken customer information & service reps face no hassles serving customers in a personalized fashion.
No changes in the process or in the nature of the business or applications
This system reduces the risk of unauthorized access as business functions use and inherit the already available security infrastructure where authorization concepts are already implemented.
increases the satisfaction of employees as they perform significant & worthy jobs
“Accounting robots” as a tool that can ease the effort needed to move routine data between different accounting systems and outside submissions, instead of just being narrowed to one. Accounting RPA is often apparent as a human replacement, but accounting robotics is more of a “bionic arm” that can help finance and accounting practices staff process work faster by reducing data drive work.